Sunday, May 17, 2009

Advertising In A New Fashion

I often get bored reading those standard advertisements, so I figured I'd try my luck at writing a proper one myself. Feast your eyes on this...

The new Dunga is for sale. Clodoaldo, an 18 year old defensive midfielder is now available in auction, starting at Market Value.

Like Dunga, Clodoaldo plays the anchor role in midfield extremely effectively. Many players in this position lunge into tackles and put themselves about, but Clodoaldo rarely goes to the ground to make a tackle, instead using his anticipation and timing. His passing ability is also second to none, always starting a fresh attack and rarely wasting it.

Let's just have a look at his History Stats. As you can see, Clodoaldo has had excellent averages in the various XEFA Youth Competitions. His passing percentage has always been over 80%, he barely gets carded and he's capable of scoring goals and providing assists.

You can get this player for a modest fee. The auction starts at Market Value, which means a fee of roughly 65k. For a player with such a history, he's also cheap in the wages. His wages are below 3k, which is a very low fee in today's overinflated economy, where youth players with far worse stats and far worse performances, earn double or more of this fee.

Now that is proper advertising, instead of just summing up a name, price and sometimes senior performance...


  1. It is nice seeing you have time to post new stuff for your blog, now prepare a quiz!

  2. Too bad I don't have cash atm :(

  3. The bid is at 400,446 now ;)

    Volkan, quizzes will follow this week mate :)
