Sunday, April 12, 2009

Doing Transfers My Way

There is no 100% accurate way to describe this style. I'm an opportunist and I will pounce on any deal I think is profitable to me in the long run. I have a special interest in youth players though and I have made some great deals for some of them.

Take for example a 5 star prospect I shall refer to as "Mister A" for obvious reasons. This is one of my first season signings, so he costed me a little over 20k at the time. During the second season, I managed to sell him for 200k, not knowing he was a 5 star talent. Still, I kept an interest in the lad.

When the signing manager forgot to put his contract on auto extend and instead put in an auto re-bid at minimum wage, he was quickly back at my club, costing me about 40k. That's 160k of pure profit there, made on a 17 year old striker...

"Mister A" developed nicely and at the age of 19 (this season), he's quite a decent striker, with a market value just over 400k. Along comes a manager who offers 600k for the lad. I accept his offer and "Mister A" is off again. 560k of profit this time, not taking wages into account...

Once again, his manager set his contract to auto re-bid instead of auto extend, so I reckon I might try another bid to re-claim him at the end of the new season. Cheeky, opportunistic, devious but within the rules and a perfect example of how I do business.


  1. Oh, you are evil Guido. I am telling you, you are evil :P

  2. Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you. - Yoda

  3. Yeah I know... He's an experienced manager though, so he should just learn to protect his youth players better... Can't feel sorry for him, as he could and should have known better... I swiped three of his seniors this way as well...

    It would've been different had he been a new manager who didn't understand the in-game mechanics. I'm not one to exploit our inexperienced managers, but when a seasoned manager makes a mistake like this...

    * grins diabolically *
